Last Updated on March 5, 2023 by Erin

Moms, laundry is a never-ending chore that just seems to pile up. It used to be my absolute LEAST favorite chore for that very reason. As a full-time working mom of 3, the dirty piles of clothes accumulate quickly. Fortunately, I’ve created some laundry hacks that will save us all time and energy so we can focus on what really matters- family!
By implementing these hacks, you can free up time to focus on other important tasks and activities, while still ensuring that your family’s clothes are clean, fresh, and well-cared for. We all want to keep our households running smoothly without sacrificing our own sanity and well-being, right?

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1. Have Assigned Baskets
One of the best laundry hacks I’ve implemented recently is to assign each family member their own laundry bag or basket. Last spring, I bought this sleek laundry sorter and I absolutely love it. It stays in the laundry room which means we don’t need baskets or hampers in every room, taking up space. The kids have a basket, I have a basket, and my husband has a basket. The bags also come off the rack to easily drop the clothes into the washer.
It is now a habit (which took some practice) to put our dirty clothes in the appropriate spot in the laundry sorter at the end of the day.
2. Pre-Treat Stains ASAP
Another tip is to pre-treat stains before washing them – this will not only help keep clothing looking like new, but it will also save you the time and energy of rewashing laundry that didn’t come out clean the first time. I keep my spray bottle handy on an open shelf and get it treated as soon as possible.
This step is incredibly important to me because I resell our clothes. If I lose something to a stain, I’m potentially losing money.
3. Have a Designated Laundry Day
Designate laundry day as one day a week so that laundry doesn’t become an overwhelming task throughout the week. I thought by washing one load a day I was somehow saving myself time, but it ended up being more of a stresser.
Not only will this help keep laundry from piling up, but it will also save energy if you are able to do laundry for the whole week in one day. Sunday is our day and the whole family chips in to help. Sometimes it seems like a huge daunting task and then ends up taking way less time than I’m imagining. Turn on some fun music or take a time lapse video like you see in TikTok videos and Instagram reels.
4. Skip the Folding (for Kids)
I have given up on folding my kids’ clothes and it has made zero difference other than improving my overall sanity. Their clothes typically don’t wrinkle like ours do. When they’re older, I’ll be happy to teach them how to fold, because it’s a good life skill to have. For now, I’m just happy they are independently putting things in drawers and on hangers. Baby steps, folks!
5. Make It a Family Task
I mentioned this earlier, but I really try to get everyone involved. Laundry does not have to be the sole burden of mom. You can work on so many skills by involving your kids! Have your toddler match the socks. See if your preschooler can hang up his shirts. Have your older child sort each person’s clothes into piles. Have your teenager start the actual load and transfer to the dryer.
6. Don’t Make It More Difficult Than It Needs to Be
Here’s my secret and it hasn’t failed me yet…I don’t separate my whites and colors. GASP! The only time I might wash something separately is if it’s brand new and very bright OR very delicate.
I also use minimal products. No need for scent boosters or softener. Just your basic Tide (also great for cleaning) and wool dryer balls. Wool dryer balls also cut down on drying time. That’s a hack in itself! They are also much better for the environment.
Tea tree oil is amazing for disinfecting and getting rid of laundry odors. If we get something from the thrift that’s got a weird smell, we put a teaspoon in that load.
7. Use Mesh Bags
Mesh bags are one of the best laundry hacks for keeping everything together or keeping delicate items safe. Use them for-
- socks
- lingerie
- cotton pads
- baby clothes sets
Honestly, anything small that seems to get lost, throw it in a mesh bag. It has saved my bras and kept me from losing kid socks all the time. I don’t know where those lost socks go…another dimension maybe?
8. Fold Right Away
OK don’t get mad at me for this one. It’s just a simple truth. One of the best laundry hacks is to fold your clothes right away. If you don’t, you will absolutely regret it. You don’t have to fold the kid clothes, but adult clothes get super wrinkly. I hate when I procrastinate this part of the process and end up causing more work for myself down the road.
If you’re a super busy mom- try really, really hard to fold your clothes right out of the dryer. It never takes as long as we imagine it to. Try to keep that in mind!
By following these laundry hacks, laundry day will be less of a chore and more of an enjoyable routine. You’ll be able to spend quality time with your family or find some peace knowing that your laundry routine is much easier than it used to be! Good luck!
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